The Economy

Using the Shop

To the side of each of the three Axiom City gates, you will find a shop. The shop features an Enjin Wallet browser and three primary categories; Power-ups, Mission Tickets, and Materials.

Power-ups include; Nitro, Health, Damage and Shield, each of which will assist you in battle. A limit of 5 of each type can be held at a time.

Mission tickets are made up of 11 tiers, each of which requires a minimum LP threshold to be exceeded before purchase.

Materials currently includes a buy and sell option for Salvage (SLV).


Quantum Quarks

Quantum Quarks (QRK) are an in-game currency required for almost everything in Axiom City, from shop purchases to Cosmech crafting.

Due to the extreme cost of advanced missions, you should hoard as many QRK as you possibly can.



Salvage (SLV) is a rare material that can be obtained by destroying rogue Cosmechs in the Outlands. It can also be purchased in the shop, albeit at a steep expense.

It is a key ingredient in Cosmech crafting.