Calamity At The Triaxiom
There were always three...
The Axiomech guardians. Since before anything else, they were united. From their unity the multiverse was born. Countless quantum realms with seemingly limitless potential began to grow, as roots from a colossal tree.
As this tree grew to epic proportions, its roots gradually became interwoven into an ever more complex knot. In their hunger for expansion, they were beginning to suffocate each other, cutting off the vital supply of nutrients to the tree itself.
The effects of this were witnessed across the multiverse. Lines blurred between quantum realms, causing a state of paradox and the warping of space-time. Where once there was structure and cohesion, now there is only confusion and decay.
At the Triaxiom, meeting place of the three Axiomechs, there is a great level of discord. The unprecedented calamity has placed each of them squarely at odds with one another for the first time.
Guardians of the Multiverse
Nina'kuna, the Red Axiomech, believes that the only way forward is to cut away these dying roots and expel them into the void. Despite the fact that this approach would cause devastating consequences across the multiverse, she sees this as a decisive action which is necessary to ensure long-term security and prosperity in the Triaxiom.
Yura'kuna, the Green Axiomech, is much more optimistic. In her view this period of turmoil is a natural stage in the growth of the multiverse. If the weakest roots are left to die a natural death, things should eventually return to a balanced state on their own. She simply cannot allow willful destruction of any part of the multiverse, no matter the justification behind it.
Yaku'kuna, the Blue Axiomech, has other ideas. Disunity within the Triaxiom presents a unique opportunity for those with the prescience to seize it. By setting the other two Axiomechs against one another, he may discover a path to monolithic control over the Triaxiom - A plot which had been utterly unthinkable until now.