Cosmech NFTs - *Upcoming
Cosmechs are special player-created NFTs around which Axiomech’s core concepts were built.
Each one possesses a unique combination of stats and appearance, and the creation of high-calibre Cosmechs is the core driver of Axiomech’s in-game economy.
Beyond the scope of Axiomech: Cosmech Combat, there are numerous plans in place for Cosmechs that are not yet available for public knowledge.
Direct Utility
Cosmechs have three primary stats which are recorded on the NFT. Each of them ranges from 0-9 and has a huge impact on the vehicle’s performance;
Accuracy, enhances damage and rate of fire.
Geomatics, enhances speed and handling.
Integrity, enhances health and endurance.
Cosmech Crafting
Types: There are two distinct types of Cosmechs; drivers and gunners. The main distinction between the two is their appearance, with gunners being slightly taller in stature.
Materials: To craft a Cosmech the player must first possess all the necessary materials, including; 1 Stellar Core (STC), 10 Salvage (SLV) and 50 Quarks (QRK). They must then enter the Workshop in Axiom City for crafting services.
Crafting: Only after hitting the “Craft Cosmech” button will the player discover if they have crafted a driver or gunner, with 50/50 odds of either result. The stats and appearance are also rolled randomly, although stats can have roll modifiers (see ALT). The color and limbs of the Cosmech can be manually altered during the crafting session.
ALT: For each Axiom Loyalty Token the player holds, they receive a +0.1% chance (stacking) to boost the final roll for each Cosmech stat. Furthermore, in order to mint Cosmechs to Enjin Matrixchain, the player must hold a minimum of 10 ALT in their connected wallet.