Axiom Loyalty Token (ALT)



The Axiom Loyalty Token is an high-supply NFT created by Axiomech to serve as the backbone of its ecosystem and game economy. It possesses stacking utility which scales based on the number held.

ALT can be earned by players through the Faction Loyalty system.*


Direct Utility

  1. Whitelisting: Wallets holding at least one ALT are whitelisted for Axiom City Beams.

  2. Ability bar: The player receives a +1% charging rate on the ability bar (stacking, max 1000).

  3. Crafting: The player receives a boost to the RNG stats roll when crafting Cosmechs (stacking, max 1000).

  4. Cross-platform: Etherscape players receive a +1% Magic Find & +1% Gold Drop bonus (stacking, max 5).

  5. Discord: Members holding a minimum of 10 ALT in their connected wallet gain the VIP role.


  • Minting: Players holding a minimum of 10 ALT are able to mint their Cosmechs to Enjin Matrixchain.

  • Voting: Players can vote on matters such as NFT integrations and development priorities (stacking, max 100).



ALT has a maximum supply of 210,000. Of this total;

  • 60% (126,000) are reserved for loyalty rewards through the PAO system.

  • 10% (21,000) are reserved for the Axiomech team and its advisors.

  • 20% (42,000) are reserved for strategic partnerships & collaboration.

  • 10% (21,000) will be released through several rounds of airdrops and sales.

    • A total of 2600 ALT have been distributed through Enjin Beam.

    • A total of _ ALT have been distributed via sales on